Get Screening Question By Id
Returns a ScreeningQuestion object with the given id.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Include raw data in the response
Whether to include custom fields in the response.
The AtsScreeningQuestion object represents a question used to screen candidates for a job within the ATS.
The third-party API ID of the matching object.
This is the datetime that this object was last updated by Bindbee
The custom fields related to the model
The identifier of the job to which this screening question is related.
A detailed description of the screening question.
The title of the screening question.
The type of screening question, such as 'text', 'multiple-choice', etc.
Indicates whether answering the question is required for the applicant.
The possible options for answering the question, if applicable.
This is the Raw data