
When initiating requests to the Bindbee API, it is essential to include the necessary authentication parameters to establish your identity as an authorized user.

There are two primary authentication protocols:

  1. Bindbee API Key
  2. Connector Tokens

Credentials obtained through these protocols must be incorporated into the headers of each request sent to the Bindbee API.

Bindbee API Key

For any communication with the Bindbee API, it is crucial to have an API key to authenticate yourself as an authorized user.

It is recommended to securely store your access key after its creation in Bindbee

In case you no longer have access to your key, you have the option to regenerate you Bindbee API Key in API Key Tab in Settings.

Regenerate Token

When creating your own requests, it is essential to include your API key with a “Bearer ” prefix as a header named Authorization. This practice is crucial for authorizing your Bindbee API requests effectively. Ensure that this specific header is incorporated in every request, adhering to the following format:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_BINDBEE_API_KEY

Connector Tokens

When issuing requests to the Bindbee API concerning your end users’ data, access or manipulation, authorization is granted only if the users have undergone the Bindbee’s Magic Link process and successfully stored their connector_token, as this token is a prerequisite for the successful execution of such requests.

You can find your connector_token inside the Overview section of your connector

Connector Token

When creating your own requests, it is essential to include your your user’s connector_token as a header named X-Connector-Token for authorizing your Bindbee API requests effectively. Ensure that this specific header is incorporated in every request, adhering to the following format: