Any data you interact with via the Bindbee API can be paginated, and this pagination is determined by the cursor
and page_size
query parameters.
Sample HTTP Request
Above is an example of an interactive HTTP request using the Bindbee API to demonstrate how pagination works:
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
If provided, will only return employees for this manager.
The third-party API ID of the matching object.
If provided, will only return employees for this company
Whether to include the original data Bindbee fetched from the third-party to produce these models.
Whether to include custom fields in the response.
If provided, will only return employees with this employment status.
Available options:
If provided, will only return employees for this employee number
Number of results to return per page. Maximum size is 100.
Required range: 1 < x < 1000
The pagination cursor value.
If provided, only objects synced by Bindbee after this date time will be returned. Format: DateTime (ISO 8601)
Which relations should be returned in expanded form. Multiple relation names should be comma separated without spaces. You can also specify required fields in [] for each relation name.
Cursor value to fetch next set of items
The URL of the employee's avatar image.
The ID of the employee's company.
The custom fields related to the model
The employee's date of birth.
The employee's department
The employee's full name, to use for display purposes. If a preferred first name is available, the full name will include the preferred first name.
The employee's number that appears in the third-party integration's UI.
The employment status of the employee. Possible values include: ACTIVE, PENDING, INACTIVE, or - in cases where there is no clear mapping - the original value passed through.
The employee's ethnicity.
The employee's first name.
The IDs of the groups that the employee belongs to.
The employee's home address.
items.home_location. country
items.home_location. location
items.home_location. postal_code
items.home_location. state
items.home_location. street_1
items.home_location. street_2
The employee's home phone number.
The employee's last name.
The employee's filing status as related to marital status
items. mobile_phone_number
The employee's mobile phone number.
This is the datetime that this object was last updated by Bindbee
items. payroll_run_calendar
The employee's payroll calendar
The employee's personal email.
The employee's preferred first name.
When the third party's employee was created.
The third-party API ID of the matching object.
The employee's social security number.
The date that the employee started working. If an employee was rehired, the most recent start date will be returned.
The employee's termination date.
The employee's username that appears in the remote UI.
The employee's work email.
The employee's work address.
items.work_location. country
items.work_location. location
items.work_location. postal_code
items.work_location. state
items.work_location. street_1
items.work_location. street_2
The employee's country code
The employee's current designation/title
The employee ID of the employee's manager.
The employee's middle name.
Indicates the count of items in the response